IviumRRDE Rotator Apparatus

לפרטים נוספים והצעת מחיר, מלא את הפרטים למטה

מידע נוסף

Technology and Specifications

טכנולוגיה ומפרט טכני

  • Instrument specifications
    Rotation range: 100-10,000 rpm
    Applied resolution: 1 rpm
    Measured accuracy: 0.02 rpm (averaged and settled)
    Rotation stability: <1% (within 1 second)
    Analog control: 1 rpm/mV or 2.5 rpm/mV , via BNC connector
    Electrode contacts: 4 x 4mm banana sockets
    Operating temperature: 10 to 40 °C
  • Instrument dimensions
    Height (not including shaft): 19cm
    Diameter body: 6cm
    Length of shaft (not including tip): 6.2cm
    Weight: 1000g
    Size: 15 x 12 x 5.5cm
    Weight: 380g

  • The IviumRRDE apparatus kit includes:
    • Rotator with driveshaft and brush assembly (no tips included)
    • Motor-controller unit
    • Connection cable
    • Power supply 100-240V
    • Rotator mounting bracket
    • Easy carry hard case