Palmsens 4 - Potentiostat, Galvanostat, EIS
The PalmSens4 serves as a USB and battery-powered Potentiostat, Galvanostat, and optionally a Frequency Response Analyser (FRA) for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS).
With a wide potential range (-5V to 5V or -10V to 10V) and current range (100 pA to 10 mA), it boasts high resolution and low noise.
Economical yet complete for laboratory use, its compact and robust design also renders it ideal for field operations.
Bluetooth connectivity ensures accurate floating measurement.
Configurable options include potential range, EIS/FRA frequency, and additional modules. Every PalmSens4 includes a rugged carrying case, high-quality cell cable, crocodile clips, dummy cell, USB cable, and PSTrace software for Windows.
With 8 GB internal storage, all measurements are automatically backed up and easily accessible for data transfer and analysis.
A compact potentiostat with extremely high technological capabilities – the Palmsense 4 is a must-have device in every laboratory that performs electrochemical measurements.
Palmsens 4 הוא מכשיר הדגל של חברת פאלמסנס.
פוטנציוסטט קומפקטי בעל יכולות טכנולוגיות גבוהות ביותר, בזכותן הפך הפאלמסנס 4 להיות מכשיר חובה בכל מעבדה שמבצעת מדידות אלקטרוכימיות.
הפוטנציוסטט הקומפקטי מאפשר מדידות אלקטרוכימיות בכל הטכניקות האלקטרוכימיות, כולל בין השאר Cyclic Voltametry ,Linear Sweep, Chronoamperommetry and Potentiometry, EIS- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
המכשיר כולל סוללה למדידות ניידות וכולל מודול של Bluetooth לחיבור אלחוטי למחשב, טבלט או טלפון נייד.
הפוטנציוסטט מאפשר מדידות בזרמים נמוכים (פיקואמפר) ועד עשרות מיליאמפר,
נשלט על ידי תוכנת PSTrace ומהווה כלי עבודה חזק וחיוני לכל מדידות האלקטרוכימיה במעבדתך.
לפרטים נוספים והצעת מחיר, מלא את הפרטים למטה
מידע נוסף
טכנולוגיה וספסיפיקציות
Technology & Specifications
(Bi)Potentiostat / Galvanostat / Impedance Analyzer | |
FRA / EIS | 10 μHz up to 1 MHz |
9 current ranges | 100 pA to 10 mA |
Resolution | 18-bit |
Connection | Bluetooth or USB |
configuration | PS4.F#.05 | PS4.F#.10 |
dc-potential range | ±5 V | ±10 V |
compliance voltage | ±10 V | |
maximum current | ±30 mA (typical) |
Controlled Potential Mode:
applied dc-potential resolution | 76.3 µV (18-bit) |
applied potential accuracy | ≤0.1% ±1 mV offset |
current ranges | 100 pA to 10 mA (9 ranges) |
current accuracy | < 0.2% of current ±10 pA ±0.1% of range |
measured current resolution | 0.005 % of current range (18-bit, 5 fA on 100 pA range) 0.0025% of 10 mA range |
Controlled Current Mode:
current ranges | 1 nA to 10 mA (8 ranges) |
applied dc-current | ±6 times applied current range |
applied dc-current resolution | 0.0076% of applied current range (<10 mA) 0.0038% of 10 mA range |
applied dc-current accuracy | < 0.2% of current ±10 pA ±0.1% of range |
potential ranges | 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V |
measured dc-potential resolution | 78.13 μV at ±10 V 7.813 μV at ±1 V 0.7813 μV at ±0.1 V |
measured dc-potential accuracy | ≤ 0.05% or ±1 mV (for |E| < ±9 V) ≤ 0.2% (for |E| ≥ ±9 V) |
housing | aluminium with rubber sleeve: 15.7 x 9.7 x 3.5 cm | |
weight | ± 500 gr | |
temperature range | 0 ºC to + 50 ºC | |
power supply | USB or internal LiPo battery | |
communication | USB and Bluetooth (Dual Mode) | |
battery time | > 16 hours idle time > 4 hours with cell on at max. current extendable by means of power bank | |
internal storage space | 8 GB or +/- 800000 measurements incl. method info (assuming 200 data points per measurement) | |
FRA / EIS (impedance measurements): | ||
Configuration | PS4.F0.## | PS4.F1.## |
frequency range | 10 μHz to 100 kHz | 10 μHz to 1 MHz |
ac-amplitude range | 1 mV to 0.25 V rms, or 0.7 V p-p | |
GEIS (galvanostatic impedance measurements): | ||
frequency range | 10 μHz to 100 kHz | |
ac-amplitude range | 0.001 x CR to 0.4 x CR (<10 mA) 0.001 x CR to 0.2 x CR (10 mA) (CR = current range) | |
Electrometer: | ||
electrometer amplifier input | > 1 TΩ // 10 pF | |
bandwidth | 1 MHz | |
Auxiliary port (D-Sub 15): | ||
analog input | ±10 V, 18-bit | |
analog output | 0-10 V, 12 bit (1 kOhm output impedance) | |
4 digital outputs | 0-5 V | |
1 digital input | 0-5 V | |
i-out and E-out | raw output of current and potential E-out ±10 V (1 kOhm output impedance) i-out ±6 V (1 kOhm output impedance) | |
power | 5 V output (max. 150 mA) |
טכנולוגיות אלקטרוכימיות נתמכות
Supported electrochemical technologies
:Voltammetric techniques
- Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
- Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
- Fast Cyclic Voltammetry (FCV)
- AC Voltammetry (ACV)
- Pulsed techniques
- Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
- Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
- Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
:Amperometric techniques
- Chronoamperometry (CA)
- Zero Resistance Amperometry (ZRA)
- Chronocoulometry (CC)
- MultiStep Amperometry (MA)
- Fast Amperometry (FAM)
- Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD)
- Multiple-Pulse Amperometric Detection (MPAD)
:Galvanostatic techniques
- Linear Sweep Potentiometry (LSP)
- Chronopotentiometry (CP)
- MultiStep Potentiometry (MP)
- Open Circuit Potentiometry (OCP)
- Stripping Chronopotentiometry (SCP or PSA)
- Mixed Mode (MM)
- Potentiostatic/Galvanostatic Impedance spectroscopy (EIS/GEIS)
- Potential scan or current scan
- Fixed potential or fixed current
- Time scan
Bipotentiostat - BIPOT
ביפוטנציוסטט – נועד לעבוד עם אלקטרודת עבודה יחד עם אלקטרודה עבודה נוספת למדידות של RRDE.
בלינק הבא אפשר ללמוד על הטכניקה ועל המודול – Bipotentiostat
BiPotentiostat applications examples:
- Second electrode as a blank or similar in the same cell for comparison.
▪ Detecting the product of the disc electrode's reaction at the ring of a RRDE (Rotating Ring Disc Electrode)
▪ Polarize the surface during scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)
▪ Controlling gate voltage and source-drain voltage of an ion selective field effect transistors (ISFET)