:Teledyne ISCO Webinar Series
How to run RediSep® 7.0 kg Silica and 8.6 kg C18 columns
Problem: You need hundreds of grams, or even kilograms, of sample.
Solution: RediSep large columns will help you reach your goals!
These columns are useful for:
• kilogram purification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
• initial purification of crude extracts from natural products
• production of dyes for probes, conjugation, and lateral flow applications
• purification of initial compounds for multiple-step synthesis
Showing both reverse and normal phase separations, during this 45-minute webinar plus interactive Q&A, hosted by Teledyne ISCO application chemist and chromatography expert Jack Silver, you will learn:
• how to develop methods for large columns
• how to scale-up from smaller purifications
• how to estimate how much can be loaded on a column
• how to load samples
• how to use these columns on systems not made by Teledyne ISCO